But, as with all good in life comes the equalizer. I am now struggling to keep my job, tired of all the company BS and slowly become more depressed.
It was announced a few weeks ago that my position at work is going away. The company, always careful to market the same old strategy with a different name, was kind enough to not call this "downsizing." Instead, I am caught up in Role Consolidation. Any sarcasm in the previous sentence was purely unintentional. Yes, someone else will do my work.
OK, so it's not like I'm surprised, we've been dealing with this for years. I've survived many previous downsizing and/or outsourcing efforts and seen many of my long time friends get let go. I should have seen this coming. I work in a dying business, check printing. Hell, I don't even write checks anymore. But, it's a job nonetheless and has given me a comfortably lifestyle for 35 years.
The good news; they haven't yet announced who is affected. I could be one of the fortunate few who they keep on. Realistically, I stand about a 25% chance of keeping my job. You know what, I'm not sure I want to. I'm sick of living on pins and needles about this time every year. Unfortunately, the stock market, the job market, the general economy all make this a bit scary.
Regardless, I haven't felt like writing much lately; for that, I apologize. I have been trying to at least keep up with reading my favorite blogs, but thinking of humorous, witty comments has been difficult, so I will only show as another tick on your site meter. Thankfully, running has gone well lately and keeps me focused on the big picture. As always, I feel better after a good run and it helps offset the 'I don't give a shit' attitude I've been carrying around.
But life goes on, just maybe in a new direction. I will start a new career if needed; something I enjoy doing, not just another boring job. Maybe a brain surgeon or selling German roasted almonds at the mall.
As Jack Handey once said, "If you're robbing a bank and you're pants fall down, I think it's okay to laugh and to let the hostages laugh too, because, come on, life is funny. "
Being in any industry that depends on anything printed is really reallly hard these days. I used to work in community journalism, but hard times and non competitive salaries forced me out.
I got laid off in 1999, doesn't really matter what they call it, it still sucks and it's tremendously difficult. (whether you get laid off or are left behind.) So I'm thinking of you.
You know, there are no rules that say you have to be upbeat and funny. Sometimes, it's ok to a bit more serious.
Oh Rich, I'm so sorry that there are so many things affecting you and your family. But I'm with Nat on this one, sometimes you just have to vent, that's why were here, to listen....
I was laid off just over five years ago from a very comfy job in the Space Industry, when the shuttle didn't make it through reentry, the whole industry ground to a halt.
Sometimes, it is the kick in the butt we need to find or create a job we truly love. Find your passion and make it a career!
thinking of you....glad your running is giving you some balance right now! Enjoy your early morning, cool weather runs....
Nat and Lily, thanks so much for the kind words. It's good to know that people out there truly care, even though we only know each other through blogs.
Hey kc, i care!! I always come to your blog hoping for a new post! I love your writing style and your funny dude!! Vent all you want, we are here to listen!!!
Yes, i did have to get a new garmin and named him Seth! Seth seems to be working fine SO FAR!!!
Enjoy your morning runs, they do wonders for me too!!!!
I swear we worked for the same company until you told me you work for a printing company. We go through the same crap here time and time again. Always seems to be around this time of year. I totally feel your pain!
Running sometimes can help some of those feelings (even if it is for a while-it's great to get that pent up energy out).
Thinking of ya! Get out there on that trail with the new bridges!
That shoe looks delicious. Maybe because it's lunchtime, but still...
Be sure to let us know which mile marker you'll be volunteering at at the KC Marathon so I can say hi. Hopefully you'll be handing out donuts :)
Half Fast posted that pic a while back and it was just as disgusting and hilarious as now. If you've already crapped youself, why not go ahead and finish. Like you could be more embarrassed at that point?
I hear you on the job front. Things are pins and needles here too. Good luck.
sorry about the job. :(
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